
WiSe 2023/24




WiSe 2023/24


Introduction to Law and Economics

The interest in integrating economic and behavioral science methods into legal science is increasing. Apart from the questions of interpretation, systematization and dogmatization of law, the question of the mechanisms of action of law is also enjoying ever-increasing attention in the German legal sphere (see Towfigh/Petersen, Ökonomische Methoden im Recht, 2. Aufl., Tübingen 2017, S. V).

For this reason, the lecture "Introduction to Law and Economics" is devoted to the question of what contribution economic analysis can make to jurisprudence and goes into detail about the method and its implications for lawmaking and law application.

If you are interested, you can find the book "Economic Methods in Law" by Emanuel V. Towfigh and Niels Petersen in the second edition as an open access document for a first access to the legal economic method. Within § 5 I write about contract theory and the economic analysis of contract law.